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The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia: Vol. IV: Inscribed Docs
Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia and Adjacent Areas XIII: Proceedings of the Thi
A Sanctuary in the Hora of Illyrian Apollonia: Excavations at the Bonjakët Site
The Temple of Ramesses II in Abydos Volume 3: Architectural and Inscriptional Fe
The Temple of Ramesses II in Abydos Volume 1, Wall Scenes
The Woman in the Pith Helmet: A Tribute to Archaeologist Norma Franklin
Naga ed-Dêr in the First Intermediate Period
Landscape Archaeology of the Western Nile Delta
Pompeii, a Different Perspective: Via dell'Abbondanza, a Long Road, Well Travele
Greek Art and Archaeology c. 1200–30 BC
Collections at Risk: New Challenges in a New Environment
Concluding the Neolithic: The Near East in the Second Half of the Seventh Millen
Mediterranean Wines of Place: A Celebration of Heritage Grapes
Gods, Objects, and Ritual Practice
Carl W. Blegen: Personal and Archaeological Narratives
The Archaeology of Mesoamerican Animals
The Abu Bakr Cemetery at Giza
Kom El-Hisn (ca. 2500–1900 BC): An Ancient Settlement in the Nile Delta
Religious Convergence in the Ancient Mediterranean
The Art of Painting in Ancient Greece