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Mediterranean Wines of Place: A Celebration of Heritage Grapes

by Al Leonard


Travel globally sip locally!
- At that rustic taverna in Athens, don't order Chardonnay with your moussaka, try it with a bottle of Malagousia.
- Dining by the Galata Bridge in Istanbul? Forgo the Merlot and pair those kebabs with a crisp Kalecik Karasi —The Hittites did it over 3000 years ago!
- In Taormina, the waiters on the Corso Umberto will gladly serve you Pinot Grigio, but watch their reaction when you order a glass of local Carricante, grown just over their shoulder on the eastern face of Mount Etna.
In Mediterranean Wines of Place, Al Leonard, a Professor of Classical Archaeology and wine aficionado, pairs his love of the Mediterranean World with wines that are crafted from the heritage grapes that have been so much a part of its history.
This locavore's guide to Mediterranean wines provides a historical introduction to more than sixty heirloom grapes and the wines they produce. Places visited include mainland Greece and the Greek islands, Cyprus, Turkey, Italy, Croatia, Spain, and Malta.

Mediterranean Wines of Place: A Celebration of Heritage Grapes

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    104 pages (color illus. throughout)

    6 x 9 inches

    ISBN 9781948488433 (paperback)

    ISBN 9781948488440 (PDF)

    March 2020

  • Table of Contents

    Random Thoughts, with Glass in Hand—An Introduction

    Barcelona—Catalonia, Spain
    Civitavecchia—Port of Rome, Italy
    Heraklion/Iraklion—Crete, Greece
    Taormina—Sicily, Italy

    Additional photo credits

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