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The Woman in the Pith Helmet

Edited by Jennie Ebeling and Philippe Guillaume 


This volume celebrates the career of Norma Franklin, an archaeologist who has made important contributions to our understanding of the three key cities of Samaria, Megiddo, and Jezreel in the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the Iron Age. The sixteen essays offered herein by Franklin’s colleagues in archaeology and biblical studies are a fitting tribute to the woman in the pith helmet: an indomitable field archaeologist who describes herself as “happiest with complex stratigraphy” and dedicated to “killing sacred cows.”

The Woman in the Pith Helmet: A Tribute to Archaeologist Norma Franklin

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    xxiv + 322 pages

    6 x 9 inches

    ISBN 978-1-948488-33-4 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-948488-34-1 (PDF)

    December 2020

    View the index, table of contents, and purchase individual chapters here.

  • Table of Contents

    Excavating Jezreel (Poem) Martha Hellander

    Introduction: Norma Franklin, Renaissance Woman with a Pith Helmet Sheila Bishop, Deborah Cantrell, Jennie Ebeling, and Ann Stehney


    Part One: Jezreel, Zer‘in, And Yizael


    Women, Water, and Walkways: Preliminary Findings from the Jezreel Expedition in Light of Biblical and Archaeo-Ethnographic Evidence Deborah Appler, Julye Bidmead, and Marilyn Love

    In the Land and in the Dirt: The Value of Field-School Experience for Divinity School Students Tony W. Cartledge

    The Secret Life of the Archaeological Field School: The Jezreel Expedition as a Case Study Ian Cipin

    Gone to the Dogs: Zer‘in through Western Eyes Jennie Ebeling

    Naboth and Moshele: Reading a Biblical Story in Light of the Construction of the Memory of a Modern Martyr Philippe Guillaume and Menachem Rogel


    Part Two: The Jezreel Valley


    The Rural Hinterland of the Jezreel Valley in the Late Bronze
Age III and Iron Age I: A Petrographic Perspective Eran Arie, Karen Covello-Paran, and Anastasia Shapiro

    Gottlieb Schumacher, First Excavator of Armageddon Eric H. Cline

    The “Ta‘anakh Winepress” Revisited: Further Evidence of the Middle Bronze Age Wine Industry in the Jezreel Valley Karen Covello-Paran, Nimrod Getzov, and Yotam Tepper

    Traditionalism and Transformations in Canaanite Cultic Architecture: A View from Middle Bronze Age Megiddo Matthew Susnow


    Part Three: Beyond the Valley


Women Regulate Their Fertility: Proactive and Reactive Aspects Athalya Brenner-Idan

    Qumran in the Iron Age, with Cross-Temporal Reflections on the Hasmonean and Early Roman Periods Joan E. Taylor and Shimon Gibson

    From Maker’s Mark to Mason’s Mark: Cypriot Mason’s Marks in Their Aegean and Levantine Contexts Louise Hitchcock

    A Fourth-Century BCE Chian Stamped Amphora Toe from Tel Akko, Israel Ann E. Killebrew, Gerald Finkielsztejn, Yiftah Shalev, Jane C. Skinner, and Vassiliki E. Stefanaki

    Of Shekels and Shackles: A Wadi Sorek Romance ( Judges 16) Jack M. Sasson

    The Case of the Enigmatic “Cypro-Phoenician” Juglets in Moab Margreet L. Steiner

    Fame and Fortune: Iron Age II Arabian Trade in Scholarly Image and in Reality Yifat Thareani



    Subject Index

    Ancient Sources Index


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