Edited by Justin Lev-Tov, Paula Wapnish and Allan Gilbert
This book honors the memory of Brian Hesse, a scholar of Near Eastern archaeology, a writer of alliterative and punned publication titles, and an accomplished amateur photographer. Hesse specialized in zooarchaeology, but he influenced a wider range of excavators and ancient historians with his broad interpretive reach. He spent much of his career analyzing faunal materials from different countries in the Middle East-including Iran, Yemen, and Israel, and his publications covered themes particular to animal bone studies, such as domestication, ancient market economics, as well as broader themes such as determining ethnicity in archaeology. The essays in this volume reflect the breadth of his interests. Most chapters share an Old World geographic setting, focusing either on Europe or the Middle East. The topics are diverse, with the majority discussing animal bones, as was Hesse's specialization, but some take a nonfaunal perspective related to the problems with which Hesse grappled. The volume is also broad in temporal scope, ranging from Neolithic Iran to early Medieval England, and it addresses theoretical matters as well as methodological innovations including taphonomy and the history of computers in zooarchaeology. Several of the essays are direct revisits to, inspirations from, or extensions of Hesse's own research. All the contributions reflect his intense interest in social questions about antiquity; the theme of social archaeology informed much of Brian Hesse's thinking, and it is why his work made such an impact on those working outside his own disciplinary research.
The Wide Lens in Archaeology: Honoring Brian Hesse's Contributions to Anthropolo
More info
Archaeobiology vol. 2
512 pages
6 x 9 inches
ISBN 978-1-937040-95-6 (paper)
ISBN 978-1-937040-96-3 (PDF)
June 2017
Table of Contents
Introduction: Bones as Building Blocks for Brian Hesse’s Social Archaeology
Brian Hesse (z"1) 1944–2011: Curriculum vitae
Part 1 Contexts, Collections, and the Archaeo(zoo)logical Record
1 Identifying and Understanding Residuality in Tell el-Hesi’s Archaeological Record: The Malacological Evidence Jeffrey A. Blakely and Inbar Ktalav
2 Too Many Bones: Data Management and the NABONE Experience Thomas H. McGovern, George Hambrecht, Seth Brewington, Frank Feeley, Ramona Harrison, Megan Hicks, Konrad Smiarowski, and James Woollett
3 A Practical Macroscopic Approach for Distinguishing Burned and Boiled Bones in Zooarchaeological Assemblages Haskel J. Greenfield and Angela Beattie
Part 2 Peoples, Pigs, and Pots in Palestine
4 A Contribution to the Iron Age Philistine Pig Debate Liora Kolska Horwitz, Armelle Gardeisen, Aren Maeir, and Louise A. Hithcock
5 Flair of the Dog: The Philistine Consumption of Canines Edward F. Maher
6 The Ethnic Identification of Khirbet Qeiyafa: Why It Matters Yosef Garfinkel
7 An All-Israelite Identity: Historical Reality or Biblical Myth? Avraham Faust
Part 3 Ritual Real Estate
8 “Cursed Be the Cheat Who Offers a Blemished Animal!” A Broken Tibia from a Sacrificial Deposit at Tel Dan and Its Implications for Understanding Israelite Religious Practice Jonathan S. Greer
9 Can Bones Differentiate Royal Roast from Sacrificial Slaughter? The Case of Razor’s Late Bronze Age Monumental Building Justin Lev-Tov
10 Considering Carcasses: Sheep and Goat Sacrifice at Carthage, Tunisia, and Al Qisha, Yemen Deirdre N. Fulton, Paula Hesse, and Brian Hesse
Part 4 Buried Beasts
11 Ceremonial Donkey Burial, Social Status, and Settlement Hierarchy in the Early Bronze III: The Case of Tel Azekah Lidar Sapir-Hen, Yuval Gadot, and Oded Lipschfts
12 A Middle Bronze Age Equid from Ashkelon: A Case of Ritual Interment or Refuse Disposal? Liora Kolska Horwitz, Daniel M. Master, and Hadas Motro
13 The Context and Biometry of Iron Age II and Hellenistic Period Dog “Burials” from Tel Gezer Compared to Those from Other Sites in the Region Liora Kolska Horwitz, Samuel R. Wolff, and Steven Ortiz
Part 5 Organization and Orientation of Animal Economies
14 Cattle Husbandry and the Survival Subsistence Strategy: A Zooarchaeological Perspective Aharon Sasson
15 Where Are Our Goats? The Role of Goats in Anglo-Saxon England Pam Crabtree and Douglas V. Campana
16 Gallus Callus during the Roman and Byzantine Periods in Israel Bill Grantham, Daniel Lowrey, Hillary Boyd, and Samantha Earnest
Part 6 Animal Use at Three Sites through the Ages
17 A Preliminary Analysis on the Iron Age III Faunal Remains Tell Ta’yinat, Turkey (Ancient Kunulua) David R. Lipovitch
18 “I Can Count All My Bones”: A Preliminary Report of the Late Bronze Faunal Remains from Area B1 at Tel Burna, Israel Tina Greenfield, Chris McKinny, and Itzhaq Shai
19 New Light on Faunal Remains from Chogha Mish, Iran Justin Lev-Tov, Sarah W. Kansa, Levent Atici, and Jane C. Wheeler